Friday, February 4, 2011

Three Elements of True Worship


If anyone thinks he is religious, without controlling his tongue but deceiving his heart, his religion is useless.

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
James 1:26-27


What is “religion?” According to The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon, “religious” means “fearing or worshiping God.” (Whoa - that wasn’t the definition I was expecting. Did you expect that?)

If we consider ourselves someone who fears or worships God, but we don’t control our tongue, our “religion” (worship) is worthless.

Worthless. That’s a strong word. That clearly shows us that God requires that we control (read: restrain) our tongues. This is part of true worship. In addition to restraining our tongues, true worship also includes looking after orphans and widows when they are experiencing troubles. (“Orphans” can also refer to “those bereft of a guide.”) Also, true worship includes keeping ourselves “unstained” by the world. “Unstained” means spotless, but it also means irreproachable.

So, in summary, what are three elements of true worship?
  1. Restrain our tongues
  2. Look after “orphans” and “widows”
    • This can include physical needs
    • It can also include discipleship (spiritual) needs
  3. Keep ourselves away from the worldly things that can:
    • Enslave us, or
    • Cause us to appear to be engaging in sin

Worship does not occur only in a corporate setting where Christians are singing, praying, and hearing the Word together. Worship is a lifestyle, lived out in the way we talk to others, serve (and love) others, and walk in the path of holiness God has called us to.


Lord, forgive me for times when I have spoken rashly, ignored a need, or otherwise allowed myself to engage in activities not pleasing to you. Teach me, afresh and anew, what true worship entails in my daily living. Make my life a song of praise to You!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful! :) I especially loved how easily you broke "True Worship" down into 3 simple steps!!! You are doing a fantastic job!! Way-to-go!!!

    Love God Greatly!
