Friday, January 28, 2011

HIS Choice


By His own choice, He gave us a new birth by the message of truth so that we would be the firstfruits of His creatures.

James 1:18


God gave us new birth “by His own choice!” In the NASB the word used for “choice” is “will” which can also mean “to desire.” This “new birth” (also meaning “to produce”) comes through the message of truth (in the NASB “the word of truth”). The Greek for “message” used here is “logos” which also means “the sayings of God” or “decree, mandate or order.” “Truth” is “what is true in any matter of consideration” (meaning NOT relative to circumstances). And “firstfruits” is an Old Testament reference to things that are set apart for God’s own use.

BY HIS OWN CHOICE. God made us His because He WANTED to. And once we are His, it is True, no matter how we feel on that particular day, because He said so! And in making us His, He has set us apart, made us holy, for His own use!


Heady stuff! The one and only true God, He who made the universe and measures it with the span of His hand (Is 40:12), CHOSE me. He has made me holy, He has set me apart to be His!

This knowledge humbles me and overwhelms me with gratitude. As a result of this knowledge, I am reminded anew it is my responsibility to recognize the truth of Whose I am, and who that makes me. I’m also responsible to ACT in such a way that is pleasing to and honoring to Him!


Lord, help me act in a manner worthy of the gospel You’ve given to me!!!!!

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