Monday, June 13, 2011

Samuel Listens to God

I Samuel 1-3


This passage looks at Samuel’s birth and call to ministry. There is much to this passage. For today, let’s focus on Hannah (Samuel’s mother).

Hannah was the favored wife, but was barren. Her barrenness was heartbreaking for her. In addition to the ache of empty arms, barrenness was shameful in that culture. Hannah was desperate for a child, and in her desperation she sought help from the LORD. Her prayer at the temple was passionate and heart-felt. When Eli (the high priest) realized she was praying, he said to her “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to Him” (1:17). Hannah’s response to this was to cease mourning and to go about her day. And “in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son” (1:20).


Hannah had an unmet desire of her heart. In her grief and desperation she turned to the LORD with her petition. When she perceived her prayer had been answered (which was BEFORE she actually conceived) she moved forward in faith, believing God.


Hannah is an example of how we should treat our own deep-seated grief, hurts, and unmet needs: passionate, powerful, heart-felt prayer followed by trusting God to answer even though we haven’t yet seen the answer ourselves!

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