Friday, June 3, 2011

The Fall of Jericho


Joshua 5:13 - 6:27


The Israelites faced an impossible task and gained an impossible victory. The city of Jericho was heavily guarded and the walls were shut up tight. Still, the people followed God’s orders to march around the city walls silently for six days. It is presumed by many that the guards along the city walls ridiculed the Israelites. Yet they continued to follow the marching orders of the LORD. On the seventh day they circled the city walls seven times and then let out a shout of praise. The result: the walls fell down and victory was obtained. Not as a result of human might - only by the power of God (and in response to the praise of His people)!


Joshua and the Israelites trusted and obeyed God’s commands. They followed instructions, being silent when it was time to be silent, and shouting praise when it was time to shout praise. As a result, God’s power was unleashed and He was glorified.

When the task seems impossible, victory is not. God is bigger and He will be glorified! My responsibility is to trust, obey, and praise Him! He will take care of the rest.


Open my ears to hear, my eyes to see, and my heart to feel the instructions You have for me. Help me walk in the calling You’ve given me. I will praise You and I will serve You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength!

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