Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Call of Abram


Genesis 12


75 year old Abram left his homeland for an unknown place because God told him to. In the instruction to leave, God gave Abram a promise. Abram was childless, yet God told Abram He would “make of [Abram] a great nation.”

Can you imagine the faith required of Abram, to leave his homeland on the promise that he would father a nation? And this promise is referred to in verse 7 “To your offspring I will give this land,” God said.

Abram’s first response to God’s command was obedience. God said to leave his homeland, and Abram did so. Abram’s response to God’s reminder of the promise for offspring was to worship by building an altar. And then Abram continued his journey, in obedience.

God’s plan was to bless Abram and through Abram to bless the world (verse 3).

Interestingly, though, Abram’s faith in God wavered when Abram was in Egypt. Abram feared for his life and took matters into his own hands, instructing his wife in an attempt to protect himself. His wife, Sarai, did as Abram instructed. What was God’s response? He got Abram’s wife back for him. Not because Abram deserved it, but because of God’s grace!


God is faithful, even when we are faithless (see II Timothy 2:13).

Regardless, when God speaks, my job is to obey.

Today’s challenge is to trust and obey!


Thank You, God, for loving me, for being faithful, and for leading me in Your will! Help me to see Your calling and follow You, even when it doesn’t make sense! And thank You for Your loving care. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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