Monday, November 7, 2011

The Last Supper


Luke 22:1-46


Here is what the E100 Challenge says about this passage:

Communion is more than just another meal!

Jesus was soon to fulfill the mission given to Him by His Father - to die on the Cross for the sins of the world. That’s what He wanted to symbolize for His followers with this meal. The bread helps us remember His body (22:19), the fact that He was about to take the punishment for sin. The cup helps us remember His blood (22:20), the fact that He was about to make the final sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. He called it a “new covenant,” between God and humankind that would last forever.


The last supper symbolized the fulfillment of Jesus’ mission on earth. Observed by us as “communion,” it is a way to remember His body broken for us (the bread) and His blood shed for us (the cup). It represents a new covenant, and helps us stay committed to following Him by reminding us of what He did for us that freed us from the power and consequences of sin!

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