Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The First Missionary Journey


Acts 13:1-14:28


Paul and Barnabas went several places to share the gospel. They were met with receptive ears and with persecution. The persecution, even though severe, (Paul was even stoned to the point where he was presumed dead!) did not stop them from sharing that Jesus came to give people spiritual life.

When presenting the Message, Paul was aware of his audience and addressed them according to where they were at. He emphasized the positive and showed courage, while remaining accountable to the people who sent him (he reported back to them).


According to the E100 website, effective witnessing requires being respectful of the audience, emphasizing the positive, courage in the face of opposition, and accountability to the Church. The purpose of evangelism is to build the Kingdom.

Are you prepared and willing to evangelize? If not, what steps do you need to take to be both prepared and willing?

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