Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Feeding the Five Thousand


Luke 9:1-36


This passage begins with Jesus sending out the twelve disciples “to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.” After they return, Jesus feeds five thousand men (plus women and children!) with five loaves and two fish - and there were TWELVE baskets of leftovers! (One for each disciple, perhaps?) Then Peter declares Jesus is Lord, Jesus foretells His death, and Peter, James and John (who have gone with Jesus up on the mountain to pray) see Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. The passage concludes with “a voice” from “the cloud, saying, ‘This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!’” (v. 35).


This passage clearly tells us that Jesus IS the Son of God! If we really believe that, we need to be sharing that news with others and we need to be doing good works in His Name! Our lives need to proclaim Jesus!

How can you proclaim Jesus to someone today? Whether it’s by sharing how He has rescued you from death, by seeing a need and meeting it anonymously (perhaps even including a note saying “because Jesus loves you”), or by doing something else He leads you to do, do something today to show Jesus to someone around you!

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