Sunday, August 12, 2012

Connecting with God (a.k.a. "worship")

“Following Jesus is about connection with God and with one another.”

(The Digital Disciple)

God has been talking to me about connection lately. Last August, my mother died unexpectedly, and I spent several months reconsidering what type of connections were most beneficial. My connection with God was - and IS - vital to my very being. And to meaningfully connect with other people became more important than it already was. I desired for connection to be meaningful, and began to use technology as a way to deepen existing connection rather than to replace face-to-face relationship. And I was blessed to reconnect with people who had been an important part of my past. The rewards have been rich, richer than I could have imagined. I am deeply grateful for the relationships God has given me!

As I continue to ponder connection, I’ve thought about ways we can honor God for Who He is (a.k.a. “worship”). Worship is more than music, it’s acknowledging Who God is with every aspect of our life. Music is one of the creative ways we can worship. We can also worship through words, art, photography, dance, acts of service, etc.

What are some creative ways you worship? What are some creative ways you would LIKE to worship?

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