Friday, August 5, 2011

Bible Study Application

We have often talked about the importance of both reading and obeying God’s Word. We need to apply what we are reading to our lives. God uses the application of His Word to transform us into His likeness.

Application is easier said than done, though.

Recently we have been de-cluttering our house. One of the pieces of paper I found in sorting through some old files was something I had typed up years (okay, decades!) ago describing three different methods of applying Scripture to our lives. It seemed like one of these methods might be useful to someone someday, so I thought I would share them here. (Unfortunately, I did not include the source of the information on that sheet, so I am unable to give proper credit to the people who came up with each of these suggestions.) :(

To use any of the methods below, read the passage of Scripture a few times, and then reference the passage while answering the questions. (I highly recommending writing the answers down - when we write or type the things God is teaching us - it helps to cement the concepts more fully into our lives.)

The Application Pyramid

People: Who are the people in the passage and how are they like us today?
Place: What is the setting and what are the similarities to our world?
Plot: What is happening? Is there any conflict or tension? How would I have acted in that situation?
Point: What was the intended message for the first people to hear this passage? What did God want them to learn or feel or do?
Principles: What are the timeless truths?
Present: How is this relevant in our world today?
Parallels: Where does this truth apply to my life? At home, at work, at school, in church, in the neighborhood?
Personal: What attitude, action, value or belief needs to change in me?
Plan: What would be my first step of action?

The Application Window
(based on II Timothy 3:16)

Doctrine: What should I believe?
Reproof: WHow should I not behave?
Correction: What should I not believe?
Instruction in Righteousness: How should I behave?

The Application Acrostic:

Is there a(n)
Attitude to adjust?
Promise to claim?
Priority to change?
Lesson to learn?
Issue to resolve?
Command to obey?
Activity to avoid or stop?
Truth to believe?
Idol to tear down?
Offense to forgive?
New direction to take?
Sin to confess?

1 comment:

  1. thank you penny for sharing this- I just wanted to touch base and check in with you - I have prayed for you several times and I'm so sorry for your pain. My mother is about the same age & I can not even imagine what all you are feeling right now. God bless you my friend. I know He holds you in His hands. big hugs!
