Saturday, July 2, 2011

Proverbs of Solomon


Proverbs 16 to 18


The Proverbs contain wisdom for living. In this excerpt from the book, we see several verses that give instructions for living. These verses can be grouped into themes. Three of the themes we see in these three chapters are wisdom, humility, and trust.


Wisdom is a treasure. God’s wisdom is more valuable than earthly riches (see 16:16). The opposite of wisdom is foolishness. Our wisdom or folly is reflected in our words. Sometimes the wisest thing is to remain silent (17:28). Wisdom is also reflected in controlling our strong emotions (17:27).

Humility is also a treasure. The opposite of humility is pride. Simply put, pride is considering yourself either more than or less than what God made you to be. That bears repeating. Simply put, pride is considering yourself either more than or less than what God made you to be. Pride is the source of downfall (16:18). We learned in James that God gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). True humility is understanding who you are and Who God is.

Trust is a third treasure we see reflected in these chapters. Trust God. Trust that His way is best and that His will will be accomplished. We are responsible to do what He calls us to, and to do so with all of our hearts, but the results are up to Him (16:1-4).

The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.

Proverbs 16:9 ESV


Father, please forgive me for the times I have tried to take control from You. Thank You for establishing my steps! Help me to trust You more!

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