Sunday, August 29, 2010

Matthew Conclusion

Today, we conclude Matthew.  As I’ve been reading through each day’s reading, several things hit me, but I focused on one thing each day for meditation.  My verse of the day for today’s reading is “And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”  Matthew 27:25 ESV.  I realize this is, to say the least, an “interesting” choice.  I mean, come on.  Today’s reading included The Great Commission (28:19-20).  That would surely have been a more logical choice, right?  And still I cannot get my mind off of Matthew 27:25.  I mean, the crowd did NOT realize what they were saying, but without The Blood covering us, we cannot enter into the presence of the LORD.  So I have often wondered over the past several hours, did any of the people who cried “His blood be on us and on our children!” repent and seek the covering of The Blood at any later point in time?  If any of them did, I surely hope to talk to them when I join them in Heaven.  I want to hear their did they come from a place of, um, sarcasm (or maybe flippancy?)  to a place of repentance and reconciliation?  

Here’s a summary of my verses for meditation over the past week and a half:

  1. Jesus...will save His people from their sins (1:21)
  2. Seek first God’s not be anxious about tomorrow (6:33-34)
  3. [God] desire[s] mercy, and not sacrifice (9:13)
  4. [His] yoke is easy and [His] burden is light (11:30)
  5. What comes out of the mouth, this defiles a person (15:11)
  6. [Jesus] will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven (16:19)
  7. If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor (19:21)
  8. Hypocrites...have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness (23:23)
  9. Watch and pray....  The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (26:41)
  10. His blood be on us and on our children (27:25)

So a summary of what God has shown me through this book in the last week and a half might say this: Jesus has offered salvation to me (and I’ve humbly accepted it).  As His child my responsibility is to focus on His righteousness and not my own lack of righteousness.  When my focus is in the right place (on Him), and when my heart is in the right place (pure), the “worries” of tomorrow will not be important.  (And one of the functions of prayer is to help keep my focus and heart in the right place.)  Also, not only will the worries of tomorrow not be important, but He has provided everything I could possibly need, including the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.  I am covered by His Blood.  Hallelujah!

I’m so thankful He is patient in teaching me how to live out these Truths!

What have you learned from the book of Matthew?????

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