Friday, November 18, 2011

Sharing the Word


Acts 8:26-40


God sent Philip to the desert, where he found an Ethiopian Eunuch studying the Scriptures.  Philip took the opportunity to witness to this man for Jesus by first asking questions.  This helped Philip to understand where the man he was speaking to was coming from.  Then Philip explained what the Bible says about Jesus.  Most importantly, he was present to witness in the first place only because he was willing to take action based on the prompting of the Holy Spirit, without understanding "why" he was doing so.  He didn't know why he was to go to the desert, only that he was to go.  


We are to be effective witnesses for Jesus, also.  Using this passage as a model, we can presume we need to take the following steps when witnessing to others:

1)  Be open to opportunities to witness.
2)  Start where the person is at.  Identify their questions and struggles.  Don't go with an "agenda," start with the person’s.
3)  Take time to explain what the Bible teaches.
4)  Encourage people to be honest in their questions.  And be honest in your response (including admitting when you do not know the answer to a question).
5)  Most importantly, be willing to act as the Spirit leads you.  Go when He says go!  And be silent when He says "be still."  

The E100 reading materials say "Effective witnessing is God-lead and people-centered."  I couldn't agree more!

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