Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Arrest and Trial


John 18


Judas betrayed Jesus and as a result Jesus was arrested by soldiers and some officers of the chief priests and Pharisees. Interestingly, when Jesus spoke the words “I am He” those who had come to arrest Him “drew back and fell to the ground.” (Note - this indicates Jesus could easily have avoided arrest - they were only able to arrest Him because He went willingly.) Simon Peter tried to come to Jesus’s defense with a sword, but Jesus rebuked him.

Jesus was taken first to the father-in-law of the high priest. Peter denied Jesus when asked by a servant girl if Peter was one of Jesus’s disciples. Jesus was then taken to the high priest to be questioned. Peter then denied Jesus again, this time to the people he was sharing a fire with. A third time Peter denied Jesus to one of the servants of the high priest. Then a rooster crowed.

Jesus was brought from the high priest to Pilate, who was the secular governor of Judea. Pilate tried to avoid bringing judgment on Jesus, but bowed to the will of the people and released Barabbas instead of Jesus.


Pilate SAID Jesus was not guilty, but refused to act on that statement. He faced a decision - what to do with Jesus? Everyone must make that decision at some point. Is Jesus a hassle? Or is He the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

It’s the biggest decision you will ever make. Will you accept Him as the source of Truth and listen to Him? Or will you reject Him?

If you’ve decided to accept Him as the source of Truth, are you listening to Him each day and following His voice? Or are you following another voice?

Only you can decide for you. Yes Jesus or no Jesus? If the answer is yes Jesus, He wants ALL of you!

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